Articles & Blogs

Inter-proximal Reduction (IPR)
What is Inter-proximal Reduction (IPR)? Depending on your treatment plan, interproximal reduction (IPR) may be

Parent’s Guide to Braces at MBO
What to Expect During Your Child Braces’s Experience? Your child will have some occasional discomfort.

How to Clean Clear Aligners or Retainers?
4 Easy Ways to Clean Your Clear Aligners In this video we demonstrate how to

Safe Food to Eat With Braces
People want to know what are some safe foods to eat while in braces? 7

Foods & Habits to Avoid With Braces
What food to avoid with braces? It is very important that you avoid sticky, chewy,

How Are Braces Put On?
The process of putting braces on The process of getting braces is a lengthy process